
World Cup 2018 Groups

From June 14 to July 15, Russia for the first time in history will host the FIFA 2018 World Cup. Be here for your favorite teams or watch online the best matches and team games on our site. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the main football tournament of the planet together with the best football teams!

The FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia ™ is not just football matches. Culture and art - something that brings Russia world fame. What inspires millions of people around the country every day. This is a game and an unforgettable experience not only on the football field.

Football fans, rejoice! The Football World Cup 2018 will be held very soon. This time the hostess of the tournament, held every four years, will be Russia.

Football fever will capture the world in the period from June 14 to July 15, 2018. The events will be held in 11 Russian cities. In a fierce battle for the main prize teams from 32 countries of the world will converge.

Meet the cities in which the games of the 2018 FIFA World Cup will be held.

FIFA World Cup 2018 Team Groups

Costa Rica. CRO. Croatia. DEN. Denmark. EGY. Egypt. ENG. England. FRA. France. GER. Germany. ISL. Iceland. IRN. IR Iran. JPN. Japan. KOR. FIFA World Cup 2018 Team Groups